Due to system, software, or source data limitations, some data items are excluded from the final database for the following products covered under Garmin's Type 2 LOA. The following lists detail those data items excluded for the 2411 cycle. (Note: Details of those data items excluded for cycle 2410 are also reprinted below following the cycle 2411 exclusions.)

This exclusions report is for the Garmin Navigation Database. To see a list of data items excluded from the Navigation Database by Jeppesen, please see our other exclusions report.

To view Garmin's other Database Declarations, including Garmin's Type 2 LOA and Release Statement, click here.

Cycle 2411 Table of Contents

RNAV (GPS) approaches with LP minima removed due to lack of descent angle

The following issue affects G1000, Embraer Prodigy, Cirrus Perspective, G950 and G900X, G2/3/5000, GTN 6xx/7xx series product families and 4XXW/5XXW series product families.

Some RNAV (GPS) approaches have been removed due to an issue with the lack of a descent angle on approaches that have an LP service level. For additional details, see Service Advisory 1372: https://support.garmin.com/en-US/aviation/faq/k3WKmvvLXh7Cnf0QVug088

Resolution Status

Garmin product family: Resolved in software version: Ref. Service Bulletin (if applicable):
G1000 family GDU v15.00 and later n/a
G2/3/5000 family GDU v5.00 and later n/a
4XXW/5XXW series v5.10 and later SB 1403
GTN 6xx/7xx v5.13 and later SB 1466

For units affected by this issue the following RNAV (GPS) approaches have been removed:

No data affected by this issue this cycle

[return to top of Cycle 2411 Report]

LPV approaches that display and function as LNAV approaches (software correctable)

The following issue affects G1000, Embraer Prodigy, Cirrus Perspective, G950 and G900X product families with GDU software prior to v10.00 and 4XXW/5XXW series product families with software prior to v3.20:

LPV approaches at airports with a 3-character identifier (e.g., "1G3") will only display and function as LNAV approaches. Since software updates are available to address this issue, the list of affected airports is no longer specifically maintained. Please see the corresponding Garmin Service Advisory for additional information: https://support.garmin.com/en-US/aviation/faq/6gxhH9VzFK3FXZEW71fnMA

Resolution Status

Garmin product family: Resolved in software version: Ref. Service Bulletin (if applicable):
G1000 family GDU v10.00 and later n/a
4XXW/5XXW series v3.20 and later SB 0848

[return to top of Cycle 2411 Report]

Procedures with large turns following altitude terminated legs

The following issue affects all Garmin Integrated Flight Decks (G900X, G950, G1000(H), G1000 NXi, Cirrus Perspective, Embraer Prodigy, G2000, G3000, G5000, Embraer Prodigy Touch), GTN 6XX/7XX. GPS 175, GNX 375, GNC 355 and 4XXW/5XXW series units:

Some Garmin navigation systems may provide lateral guidance that conflicts with the published procedure. Please see the corresponding Garmin Data Alert 1709 for additional information: https://www.garmin.com/en-US/aviationalerts/lateral-guidance-on-turns-following-altitude-dependent-procedure-segments/

For units affected by this issue, the following procedures have been removed:

Airport IDProcedure IDProcedure Type

[return to top of Cycle 2411 Report]

Procedures with fly-over turns greater than 270°

Some Garmin navigation systems may provide lateral guidance that conflicts with the published procedure. Please see the corresponding Garmin Data Alert 1710 for additional information: https://www.garmin.com/en-US/aviationalerts/lateral-guidance-on-turns-equal-to-or-greater-than-270/.

This issue affects the following units:

For units affected by this issue, the following procedures have been removed:

Airport IDProcedure IDProcedure Type

[return to top of Cycle 2411 Report]

Approaches with turn between FAF and MAP

The following issue affects G1000, Embraer Prodigy, Cirrus Perspective, G950 and G900X, G2/3/5000, GTN 6xx/7xx series product families, GPS 175, GNX 375, GNC 355 and 4XXW/5XXW series product families.

Resolution Status

Garmin product family: Resolved in software version:
G1000 family GDU v32.50 and later
G2/3/5000 v7.5.0.0 and later

Some approaches with non-RF leg turns between FAF and MAP or between FAF and runway have been removed from the database.

For units affected by this issue, the following procedures have been removed:

Airport IDApproach

[return to top of Cycle 2411 Report]

Airways excluded due to fixed-radius-turns

This issue affects the following units:

For units affected by this issue, the following airways have been removed:

No data affected by this issue this cycle

[return to top of Cycle 2411 Report]

Circle-to-land approaches removed

The following issue affects all Garmin aviation navigation databases:

The following approaches have been excluded:

No data affected by this issue this cycle

[return to top of Cycle 2411 Report]

Due to system, software, or source data limitations, some data items are excluded from the final database for the following products covered under Garmin's Type 2 LOA. The following lists detail those data items excluded for the 2410 cycle.

This exclusions report is for the Garmin Navigation Database. To see a list of data items excluded from the Navigation Database by Jeppesen, please see our other exclusions report.

To view Garmin's other Database Declarations, including Garmin's Type 2 LOA and Release Statement, click here.

Cycle 2410 Table of Contents

RNAV (GPS) approaches with LP minima removed due to lack of descent angle

The following issue affects G1000, Embraer Prodigy, Cirrus Perspective, G950 and G900X, G2/3/5000, GTN 6xx/7xx series product families and 4XXW/5XXW series product families.

Some RNAV (GPS) approaches have been removed due to an issue with the lack of a descent angle on approaches that have an LP service level. For additional details, see Service Advisory 1372: https://support.garmin.com/en-US/aviation/faq/k3WKmvvLXh7Cnf0QVug088

Resolution Status

Garmin product family: Resolved in software version: Ref. Service Bulletin (if applicable):
G1000 family GDU v15.00 and later n/a
G2/3/5000 family GDU v5.00 and later n/a
4XXW/5XXW series v5.10 and later SB 1403
GTN 6xx/7xx v5.13 and later SB 1466

For units affected by this issue the following RNAV (GPS) approaches have been removed:

No data affected by this issue this cycle

[return to top of Cycle 2410 Report]

LPV approaches that display and function as LNAV approaches (software correctable)

The following issue affects G1000, Embraer Prodigy, Cirrus Perspective, G950 and G900X product families with GDU software prior to v10.00 and 4XXW/5XXW series product families with software prior to v3.20:

LPV approaches at airports with a 3-character identifier (e.g., "1G3") will only display and function as LNAV approaches. Since software updates are available to address this issue, the list of affected airports is no longer specifically maintained. Please see the corresponding Garmin Service Advisory for additional information: https://support.garmin.com/en-US/aviation/faq/6gxhH9VzFK3FXZEW71fnMA

Resolution Status

Garmin product family: Resolved in software version: Ref. Service Bulletin (if applicable):
G1000 family GDU v10.00 and later n/a
4XXW/5XXW series v3.20 and later SB 0848

[return to top of Cycle 2410 Report]

Procedures with large turns following altitude terminated legs

The following issue affects all Garmin Integrated Flight Decks (G900X, G950, G1000(H), G1000 NXi, Cirrus Perspective, Embraer Prodigy, G2000, G3000, G5000, Embraer Prodigy Touch), GTN 6XX/7XX. GPS 175, GNX 375, GNC 355 and 4XXW/5XXW series units:

Some Garmin navigation systems may provide lateral guidance that conflicts with the published procedure. Please see the corresponding Garmin Data Alert 1709 for additional information: https://www.garmin.com/en-US/aviationalerts/lateral-guidance-on-turns-following-altitude-dependent-procedure-segments/

For units affected by this issue, the following procedures have been removed:

Airport IDProcedure IDProcedure Type

[return to top of Cycle 2410 Report]

Procedures with fly-over turns greater than 270°

Some Garmin navigation systems may provide lateral guidance that conflicts with the published procedure. Please see the corresponding Garmin Data Alert 1710 for additional information: https://www.garmin.com/en-US/aviationalerts/lateral-guidance-on-turns-equal-to-or-greater-than-270/.

This issue affects the following units:

For units affected by this issue, the following procedures have been removed:

Airport IDProcedure IDProcedure Type

[return to top of Cycle 2410 Report]

Approaches with turn between FAF and MAP

The following issue affects G1000, Embraer Prodigy, Cirrus Perspective, G950 and G900X, G2/3/5000, GTN 6xx/7xx series product families, GPS 175, GNX 375, GNC 355 and 4XXW/5XXW series product families.

Resolution Status

Garmin product family: Resolved in software version:
G1000 family GDU v32.50 and later
G2/3/5000 v7.5.0.0 and later

Some approaches with non-RF leg turns between FAF and MAP or between FAF and runway have been removed from the database.

For units affected by this issue, the following procedures have been removed:

Airport IDApproach

[return to top of Cycle 2410 Report]

Airways excluded due to fixed-radius-turns

This issue affects the following units:

For units affected by this issue, the following airways have been removed:

No data affected by this issue this cycle

[return to top of Cycle 2410 Report]

Circle-to-land approaches removed

The following issue affects all Garmin aviation navigation databases:

The following approaches have been excluded:

No data affected by this issue this cycle

[return to top of Cycle 2410 Report]